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- 1: Replay Calls
1 - Replay Calls
Replay Calls is the main user page. From here you can play and search recordings and access the call details page for each recording.
From the top menu choose Calls:
Menu > Calls
The Replay Calls page is divided in 4 zones:
- the top zone holds a variety of filters. These can be added (or removed) to refine your selection, or search for a specific call. The default view lists all the calls of the day.
- the left window holds all selected filters. Each filter you add will create a new vertical section for that filter. You can then customize the newly added filter.
💡 please note the cog in the right top corner of every filter section. You can use it to refine the filter’s functionality.💡
Just click the x sign at the top right to eliminate the filter. If the close sign is not visible, increase the filters window width by dragging on it’s edge. - the center window lists the recorded calls, according to the applied filters
- the rightmost window will display various options and information about the selected call
Note: You can only play the calls that your user account has permission to playback.
Quick Play
To quickly listen to a recording, just click on the play button next to it. The player will activate at the bottom of the page.
From here you can play your selected call by pressing the highlighted
Notice the caller ID's, first the caller then the called, the start
date&time and the duration.
In addition to listening to recorded calls, if a call has an associated transcription, shown by the ‘TR’ bullet, a text transcription is accessible for the call. To access it, just select the call and the TRANSCRIPTION page in the call details window. From here you can view and save the trasnscription of the recorded call.
Tip: click on a dialogue segment to begin recording playback at that timepoint.
Live Monitoring
If a call is in progress it can be monitored. For this, press the play button, as you would for a reorded call. A player will activate at the bottom of the page.
Properties of the call
Click on the chevron > button or just select a call for the details window to populate. Here you can view the call details, view/change the call’s category, set description of call, assign users/categories or export the call to email or to disk using wav or speex format.
For call rating and quality control you can use this tab to fill in any questionnaire you may have defined.
Editing Descriptions
In the text box enter the description you want. Then click the Save button.
Quick Save - Mailing
The options presented are Save Call or sending it by E-mail using the Wav or the Speex format.
Wav (Waveform Audio) A common audio uncompressed file format for Windows computers (.wav). It has the advantage of being played by any Microsoft Windows sound application, the disadvantage being that it is uncompressed, thus, very large.
Speex A free software speech codec designed for VoIP which provides very good quality speech and low bit rate, thus, occupying less disk space.