
CallReplay can associate call records with a specific item category (e.g. a user, customer, tag or computer) by matching these elements using filters that you can create.

To create a filter

  1. Go to System | Configuration.
  2. Select the item category on which the filter aplies.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select Filters tab.
  5. Click Add.

To delete a filter

  1. Mark the filter line you want to delete using the check box.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Yes, in the Confirmation dialog.

You can define multiple filters in order to reach complex matching criteria

  1. The "Who" field will compare the either the source, destination or both against the filter
  2. The "Field" contains the elements that can be filtered:
    • Number - the extension/telephone number of a party
    • Name - the name of a party, as defined in CUCM
    • MAC - the MAC address of a party
    • IPAddress - the ip address of a party
    • Description - the call description, which is filled in the call details menu
    • Duration - the duration of a call, in miliseconds
    • Date - the date of a call
    • Suid - the user ID of a party, in an IP Trade call
  3. The "Not" checkbox will negate the result of the filter
  4. The "Comparison" field enables you to make different types of matchings to the declared value:
    • Equals - values have to match
    • Starts with - the declared value must be found in the begining of the compared value
    • Ends with - the declared value must be found in the end of the compared value
    • Less - the declared value must be lower than the compared value
    • Greater - the declared value must be greater than the compared value
    • Between - the compared value must be between the two declared values
    • In - the declared value must be found in the body of the compared value
    • Contains - the declared value must be found in the body of the compared value
    • Is Empty - the compared value mst be empty
    • Wildcard(*) - enable use of wildcards (use _ (underline) to match one character, and % (percent) to match multiple characters)
    • RegEx - enable use of regular expressions
  5. The "Value" field is the value that will be compared to the selected type of element