IP Phone Service

Manual Phone Service Configuration

(This chapter has been obsoleted by the Configure Cisco CM wizard in version 6). Please use the Forked Recording Wizard in the Capture / PBXs page.

Observation: Instructions for setting up a Cisco CallManager Express phone service can be found on Cisco's site:


The IP phone service is a component of our application that allows users with a primary extension to listen to their calls from their Cisco Phone or to demand recording of calls. 
By accessing the System/Watchdog menu, you can specify the authentication parameters used with the Cisco Phone XML, and other values that affect the way that the service works:

  • Cisco User - The user name used for authentication with the Cisco Phone XML.
  • Cisco Password - The password used for authentication with the Cisco Phone XML.You don't need to specify the password each time that you make an update in the configuration page, but only when you need to change the existing password.

 System > IP Phone Service

Application Phone XML User

This user is required for the application phone services to function properly. There is only one application Phone XML User, and it is different from the site users. You may choose any user you want, but we recommend creating a new special user that nobody else uses.

Create a new Cisco User or select an existing one

  1. Go to the CallManager Administration Site
  2. Go to User/Global Directory
  3. Click "Add a New User".For more details about adding a new user, please consult the CallManager Help.

Associate all devices with the desired user

 Make sure that this user has all the devices associated to him. 
Go to the CallManager Administration Site

  1.  Go to User/Global Directory, then click "Search"
  2. Select or create the user you want to use with Cisco Phone XML. For example "CallRecorder"
  3. In the User Configuration page, please click "Device Association"
  4. Now you have to associate all the phones through which you want to access the application and/or Call Monitoring phone services with this user. If you want to associate all devices, do the following:
  5. Press "Select Devices" ( leaving the search field empty )
  6. Select "Check All in Search"
  7. Click "Update Selected".


Setting up the authentication

  •  Go to System/IP Phone Service
  • In the "IP Phone Service" page enter the following values:
  • In the "Cisco User" field, enter the name of the user that you associated all your phones with (see the previous step)
  • In the "Cisco Password" field enter the password of that user
  • Press "Save"

To make the application service accessible on your Cisco IP phones, you have to go through the following steps:


Add a new service

  1. Go to CallManager Adminitsration / Device / Device Settings / Phones Services
  2. Press "Add New" button
  3. Set "Service Name" to Call Recorder
  4. Service Category must be XML Service and Service Type* Standard IP Phone Service*
  5. Set "Service URL" to http://CallRecorderServer(:port)/CallRecorder/phoneService
  6. Click Save
    For Demand recording the URL is http://CallRecorderServer(:port)/CallRecorder/phoneService/onDemandPhoneDemandThisCall

Assign the service to the phones you want

For large number of phones this is best done using Device Profiles.
Using the Call Manager Administration site:

  1. Go to the CallManager Admin/Device/Phone
  2. For each phone having access to CallRecorder, do the following:
  3. Go to that phone's configuration page
  4. Click "Subscribe/Unsubscribe Services"
  5. In the available services list select CallRecorder, then click "Continue"
  6. Click "Subscribe"
  7. Click "Update"
  8. Restart the phones so that they can read the new configuration (only if you had to change the URL to the value we specified)
    1. Go to CallManager Admin/Device/Phone


For each page "Select all", click "Reset", then "Restart".