E-mail Configuration
CallReplay can be configured to send e-mail notification whenever alerts are available, including:
- Running low on storage
- Call have not being recorded for sevaral days
In order to configure the e-mail notification go to the menu and select
System | E-mail
- SMTP Server: The IP or FQDN of your SMTP Server.
- SMTP Port: 25 is standard.
- TLS: Most people do not use TLS security. This should be left unchecked.
- POP3 Server: If the Mail server leverages POP3, input the IP or FQDN. Most people do not use this, so it may be left unchecked.
- Authentication User/Password: If the Mail server requires credentials, input the User/Pass.
- From E-Mail Address: When low level emails, like exporting a call, the From Address will be used as the From address in the email.
- Admin E-mail Address: When System Level emails need to be transmitted to the CallReplay admin, the Admin email address will be who receives those emails.
System level emails may include:
- Running low on storage.
- Calls have not been recorded for X days.