CDR Verifier

The CDR Verifier module is designed to fetch information from the CDR Analysis and Reporting information. The CDR Verifier is available from the System > CDR Verifier menu, but it first must be enabled in CallManager and on a per-PBX basis from Recording > CallManagers (PBXs) in CallReplay.

Enable CDR in PBX

To enable the CDR Verifier in CallReplay, go to PBXs and click Edit on a PBX line. Once the Edit PBX window appears, switch to the CDR Setup tab:

CallReplay uses a built-in FTP server to which CallManager will upload its CDR information. Make sure to fill in all the fields:

  • Ftp Server Enabled: This must be checked so the built-in FTP server is active and listening.
  • FTP Server: This is automatically filled in by CallReplay with its IP address.
  • FTP Username: This will be the username used by CallManager to login to the FTP server. You can change this to a desired username, or leave it to default.
  • FTP Password: This will be the password used by CallManager to login to the FTP server. You can change this to a desired password, or leave it to default.
  • Directory Path: This is the path used by CallReplay to store the information received from CallManager (e.g. C:\CallReplay\Cdr\\).
  • Import Enabled: Check this to enable CDR imports.

Once the fields are filled in, click OK. One more step is required, and that is to enable CDR uploading in CallManager. Proceed to the next step to do this.

Enable CDR in CallManager

In CallManager, go to System > Service Parameters, and make sure that under the System section, the CDR Enabled Flag is set to True:

Next, open the Cisco Unified Serviceability from the top-right drop-down Navigation entry. Now go to the Tools > CDR Management menu entry. Under the Billing Application Server Parameters section, click the Add New button:

A new window where you can configure the FTP settings should appear:

  • Host Name / IP Address*: Enter the IP of CallReplay.
  • User Name*: Enter a username to use when authenticating to the FTP server of CallReplay (this will be configured later as well in CallReplay).
  • Password*: Choose a password to authenticate to the CallReplay FTP server.
  • Protocol*: Choose FTP instead of SFTP.
  • Directory Path*: Enter a path in the form /CCM_IP/. This path will be used by CallReplay to place CDR data. By default, it will be stored in DATA_FOLDER/Cdr/CCM_IP (e.g. C:\CallReplay\Cdr\\).

Click the Add button.

It will take a while until CallManager starts uploading information to CallReplay, and once it does, you should be able to see statistics from the System > CDR Verifier menu.