File Renaming

File Name Templates Page allows the administrator to change the template used to generate the file names for storing recorded calls.

The file names template is a string containing macros that expand to values related to the call like the call ID or caller number. The list of macro names that can be used is displayed in the "Fields list" table as can be seen in the image. Click on a macro name from the table to have the macro included at the end of the current file names template. You can also type any macro name from the table in the File Name Template field, surrounded by barces { and }, to include the macro in the file name template string.

The Example field (below the File Name Template field) shows how a file name would look like using the currently displayed template string. Also watch the Example field for errors like a worng macro name being typed in the template string.

A new file name template takes effect after the Save button is pressed, and the new template will be used for all calls recorded thereafter. To also apply the new template to all the old files, that is to rename all previous files using the new template, use the "Rename existing files ?" radio group and select the option "On". For this case, you can use the "Call count" field as an estimate of the number of calls that would have to be renamed with this option.

After saving a new template with the option to rename existing files, you can see the rename progress in the Call count field, in the format "remaning / total", like for example "120 / 550".

The "Cancel" button restores the current template string into the File Name Template field, and discards any changes you might have typed in the input box.

 Storage > File Renaming