v10.0 Features

2833Upgrade to Azul JDK11
2070memolith logs upgradeMemolith
2659Classifier speedup
3145KeyStore Editor componentSecurity > Certificates
2901Modern SVG icons
2891Search by call id
3064Computers panel missingReplay
3103Update AXL and jtapi.jar to v12.5
2779System > Alerts
3078Use DB Pooled Provider
3031Unified Configuration needs Quick Search of categories
2700Storage > Storage VolumesWeb Interface
2681Opus codec support in Qodec and CallReplay
2740Playback > Active Calls
2720System > E-mail
2942Upgrade DB to Postgres 12
2752Help > About
2887Change retention default from “keep until space required”
2744Quality > Answers
2781Quality Module
2788Call Description in exported list
2857Replay CallsReplay
2839redo PreConfiguration in HTML using a temporarily started localhost web serverPreconfiguration
2736Storage > Storage Settings
2701System > Ldap AuthenticationWeb Interface
2865Licenses descriptors
2743Quality > Reports
2718System > Licenseing > Licensing Pools
2711System > Configuration > Retention Policy
2774Merge replication and licenses together.
2710System > Configuration > Recording Policy
2830Global MenuWeb Interface
2689Login page
2841Root page
2840Maintenance Progress pageWeb Interface
2729CallReplay - ScreenRecorder > ScreenRecordersScreenRecorder
2836Upgrade Innosetup to v6
2709System > Configuration > Email Notification
2730Help > Service Debug SettingsWeb Interface
2733Recording > Silence Compression
2734Recording > SPAN Troubleshooting
2735Recording > Advanced
2745Backup > Backup
2754Session > Logout Admin
2831Upgrade to Vaadin 14
2722System > HQ / Branch Replication > Branch
2721System > HQ / Branch Replication > Headquarters
2717System > Licenseing > HQ / Branch Licensing > Branch
2716System > Licenseing > HQ / Branch Licensing > Headquarters
2708System > Configuration > Filters
2731Recording > Network Interfaces
2748Screen Recorder > Settings
2753Session > Change Password
2751Help > Browser Logs
3057Forked Recording without JTapi (Mobile Jabber Recording)Recorder > Forked > JTapi
2977Category-Period Summary CacheReplay
2863SSL SecurityRecorder > Forked > Axl
2739Playback > Replay Calls
303Star callsWeb Interface
502external (turret) config paramsRecorder > IPTrade
716thrift client should connect using https to a https configured serverReplication
907HA deduplicate calls by cisco leg identifiersHigh Availability
1174Blocarea asocierii call-urilor pe noduri de configurareClassifier
2226UX: Research for suitable framework -> Score Card to make a decisionWeb Interface
3033Search bar in unified configurationConfiguration
2963URL for accessing call details specifically
2714System > Licenseing > License > LicensesAdministration > Licensing
2732Recording > Call Managers
3164Improve password securitySecurity > Login
2597Record Encrypted Calls on CUCMRecorder > Forked
3129Verify SRTP Calls on CUCM 12.5Recorder > Calls
2819Error when trying to export calls
2867VAD not working with IPTradeRecorder > IPTrade
2861Secure LDAP method deprecated needs updatingSecurity > Ldap
2621Update IP Trade recordingRecorder > IPTrade