Records Evaluation

The questionnaires are accessible in recordings list through extended actions menu

Replay Calls > Call Menu

The Questionnaire menu shows the questionnaires labels with the following information:

  • Evaluated questionnaires have their score displayed to the right of the label ( ex: QS 1 ).
  • If a questionnaire has a 'N/A' answer, then it will be marked and shown as incomplete ( ex: sta ).
  • If a questionnaire has all 'N/A' answers, the score will not be shown and only incomplete will be displayed ( ex: QS 2 ).
  • For not evaluated questionnaires, only their label is shown (ex: sta (2) ).

Evaluating Records

Once a standard is 'attached'  to a record, you will not be able to alter the standard anymore. Exception to this is that you can activate or deactivate it.

Calculating scores

Each question can have a real score between 0 and 1 ( ex: 0.5 = 50% ). Unanswered questions have score 0.

The question's importance is a coefficient applied to the question's score. It has one the following values:

  • Ignored = 0
  • Low = 0.5
  • Medium = 1
  • Important = 2

Questions of type text have importance 0 ( Ignored ) by default.

When calculating the total score of an evaluated questionnaire, the following algorithm is applied:

  1. Sum each answered question's score multiplied by its importance
  2. Scale the result to a value between 0 and 100% based on the maximum achievable score of the questionnaire ( sum of answered questions importance ).

Note that if a question has 'N/A' answer, it is ignored from evaluation's total score. It is considered as if not answered, and the total score will scale accordingly ( for example, you can have an evaluation score of 100% if the first question is answered '1*0'*and the second is answered 'N/A' ).


See Reports section for details about how to generate reports.