Storage Volumes Best Practices

The following guide outlines some considerations to take into account when setting up your recording storage volume. In practice the application administrator should tahe into account the specific needs, available hardware and any other limitations.

The best and recommended way to set the CallReplay storage volume is on a dedicated partition, on  RAID (1 and above) protected drives.

Provisioning the total available space should be done considering the number of calls you want to store. You can estimate that each 1GB will hold approximately 160 hours of recordings using the speex format. That is, you can keep 96,000 calls of 10 minutes on one 100 GB HDD.

For setting the volumes in CallReplay we will consider 2 examples:

Example 1: A dedicated 500GB partition

In this case, you might want to have both the recordings and the data folder on the same partition. The quota setting, which sets the maximum ammount of space that the recordings may take should leave enough room on the partition for upgrade backups, logs, the database, and various misc files. Therefore, a 450GB quota  will leave a 50GB available space for the rest of the data folder, and various operations. If the data folder is actually on another partition, you can set a quota even higher, leaving only 2-3 GB of free space. The free space we consider even on a purely recording storage partition might be necessary at some moment if large file operations are necessary (archiving of a few days of recordings).

The reserved setting will keep you informed when the available space for recordings (that is free space available + the size of current recordings) drops below the specified amount. Use this to make sure that the database and other operations (database backup on the same partition, logs archiving on the same partition, etc) doesn't take up the space needed for recording. In this case, setting the reserved space just 2 GB smaller than the quota should achieve this purpose.

Example 2: A shared 100GB partition (OS partition)

For a partition that is shared between CallReplay and other applications and most notably the OS, it is necessary to leave enough space available for other uses. In this particular case, setting a quota of 40GB will leave 60GB available for the OS and other applications, which should suffice. The reserved space, in this case should be set lower, as it's quite possible that the OS and the other applications will take more space over time than initilaly envisioned. A 30 GB reserved space will allow the other disk users to take up to 10GB of the planned CallReplay storage space before sending notifications to the administrator.\

The default 1GB Reserved freee space should also be increased for such a partition, 4GB should suffice.