

For creating a custom localization of CallReplay you need at least version 7.1.10 of application installed using a full setup.

Creating/editing CallReplay localization

CallReplay CallRecoder has two major components who need to be translated separately. One component is recorder service and other is site administration.

First thing which must be done is to create a copy of entire Translations folder into CallReplay data folder. Translations folder can be found in installation path, usually c:\Program Files\CallReplay\System\Translations. Data folder is the folder where the database is kept, default value is C:\CallReplay.

Once we have new Translations folder we can start to create/edit translations. All customizations must be done in this new Translations folder otherwise will be lost after first running of CallReplay Software Update or after a full setup.

The tools used for translation are "translate_site.cmd"  and "translate_server.cmd".

Create a new translation for CallReplay site

Go to the new Translations folder created using indications from previous paragraph.

Duble-click on "translate_site.cmd" file. If this is the first time when the translation tool is used you must select a language for translation tool interface:


After language selection the main window of translation tools is shown:


Press the add language button:


Select desired language from the list:


The result is a new Language node:


 Now select the new language and translate every key from the master file to the new language. Next picture show how to do translate "All rights are reserved" to Korean.



The untranslated keys are shown with blue color. So it is easy to know which keys are translated and which not.

For saving the new language press "CTRL+S" which is a shortcut for File>Save option and a new file having name* "site_xx.properties"* will be created where xx is the language code.

Create a new localization for CallReplay service

Go to new Translations folder and double-click on "translate_server.cmd". The same tool as for translating site will be shown excepting that the keys are for CallReplay service.

Create a new localization for CallRecoder service following the same steps as for CallReplay site. The name of the new translation will be "server_xx.properties" where xx is the language code.

Activate a new localization

A new localization becomes active after including in file "locale.properties" the line: *xx=Language *and restarting of CallReplay service.

e.g.: ko=[[한국의]{.hps}]{.short_text lang=“ko”}

Editing an existing localization for CallReplay site and service

Run the translation tool ( "translate_site.cmd" for site and "translate_server.cmd" for service ), select the language and edit the keys accordingly. Save the changes ( CTRL+S or File > Save ).